Dan Sinh market – unique local market of Saigon – Ho Chi minh city 

Back home in your country in the Europe or America there is the Goodwill market model, the Garage Sale market specializing in selling used and unused items, then right in the center of Saigon there also exists a market specializing in selling those items from mechanical equipment, old machinery, labor protection equipment, electrical appliances,… but the items that have made the brand of this market are American military uniforms, military equipment and “time souvenirs” that make Dan Sinh market always a market visited by many hunters of used items.

Dan Sinh Market – Unique Market in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

If you are looking for a unique market of Ho Chi Minh to buy “unpopular” souvenir so Dan Sinh market is the one

Where Dan Sinh market located ?

Dan Sinh market – Unique local market of Ho Chi Minh city

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

Dan Sinh Market is built on the central land in District 1 with more than 5 thousand square meters. The location is favorable with 4 fronts facing Nguyen Thai Binh, Nguyen Cong Tru, Yersin and Ky Con streets. The market is easy to find for any first-time visitor. However, the market is quite modest, nestled with a nestled market gate, the stalls outside sell many mechanical goods, machine accessories, motorbikes, cars… To explore the special features of the market, you have to go deep into the kits inside the market, you will find very meaningful and unique collectibles.

When has Dan Sinh market been found?

Dan Sinh market – Unique local market of Ho Chi Minh city

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

Dan Sinh Market was established in 1954 (before that it was not called Kim Chung Market). In the 1960s, this was a gathering place for pawnbrokers. After the pawnbrokers had no money to make up for it, the pawnbrokers would sell it to recoup their capital. Gradually, people with a business eye came forward to buy everything from the sellers because they needed money. People who had to go far away and could not bring their belongings, or people who no longer needed anything, all brought their things here to resell. 

Dan Sinh market was most famous and vibrant in 1965, when the US poured troops into the South, “American goods” became the main goods in Dan Sinh-S goin Area. This place also had no shortage of aid goods, stolen goods, unique goods, and exotic goods, such as daggers, American Special Forces’ guitars that gangsters loved, Rayban glasses, US Air Force Pilot rings, Zippo lighters, and matchboxes.

After 1975, Dan Sinh market became the focus of a closed market. For example, those licensed to produce paper, sugar, etc. needed large engines to run their machines in the context of Saigon’s closed port. The only way was to go to Dan Sinh market to order from electrical goods sellers.

The hustle and bustle of Dan Sinh market – Saigon gradually became more illegal after 1975, with systematic criminal connections and organized thefts being brought to Dan Sinh market for consumption. The turning point of Dan Sinh market was the formation of a more diverse lifestyle with the appearance of Russian irons, East German fans, thermoses, Chinese hammocks, Polish crystal vases, Czechoslovakian silverware, etc., goods from socialist countries alongside old American goods, mixing colors in Dan Sinh market and leaving memories of the old Saigon people.

Nowadays, Dan Sinh market is more spacious and airy, the space inside the market is designed and divided in a checkerboard pattern. The goods are more diverse, not just stopping at “old goods of pots and pans clubs”, the arrangement of products is neater and tidier than the products of the market selling regular goods. Each kiosk has a nameplate with the product number and name, convenient and easy for buyers to find, however, the stores preserving old memories are increasingly narrowing and only a few remain, to relax the goods and business information here.

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

From 1990 to 1992, Dan Sinh market began to have new products, and by around 1997, new products had almost taken over, and old products had become souvenirs for tourists, overseas Vietnamese, and nostalgic people to collect or give as gifts to each other.

From 1992 to 2000, the Enterprise Law was enacted to create a more open business environment, making import and export easier, and many hardware and electronics stores, shopping centers, and supermarkets appeared… Dan Sinh market then entered a “recession” period.


What to buy at Dan Sinh market

Dan Sinh market – Unique local market of Ho Chi Minh city

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

Outside the market, you will encounter shops selling all kinds of products serving production and consumption such as household electronics, warranty equipment, maintenance and spare parts for cars, motorbikes, electrical equipment, electric hand tools, water pumps, forklifts, carts, machinery accessories and other industrial equipment for sale at the market,… In addition, the market also has stalls selling souvenirs, camping equipment, picnic equipment, shoes, old handbags, labor protection equipment, ….

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

Going deeper, you will see kiosks selling war relics that once made a splash among players in Vietnam on old street forums, shopping streets, Cao Minh cafe,… with all kinds of military uniforms, military equipment from uniforms of units, rain ponchos, steel helmets, ammunition bags, bulletproof vests, parachutes, M65 field vests, dog tags, water bottles,… from World War I, World War II World War, Korean War and most especially items associated with the Vietnam War, with many items considered priceless time souvenirs by players.

Tips when shopping at Dan Sinh market

Dan Sinh market – Unique local market of Ho Chi Minh city

If you go to Dan Sinh market to buy household items, the prices are quite reasonable, you can refer to 2-3 stalls to make the best purchasing decision. If you go to Dan Sinh market to look for historical items, note that there are fake and real goods here,… And not all sellers will tell you about this. The value of the item will depend on its rarity and time value, the older and more unique the item is, the higher the value. Such as presidential zippo, presidential medal, intact military Bost pairs or helmets with original paint color,…

Dan sinh market - local market ho chi minh vietnam

If you want to explore more about this exciting city Ho Chi Minh in the local way, why not spend some time to check out our latest blog of top things to do in Ho Chi Minh for more unique and special information. Dont forget to check our top things to do at night time in Ho Chi Minh.

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