Author Archives: Chloe My

Top 5 Wonderful Benefits of a Weekend Group Ho Chi Minh Bicycle Tour

Ho Chi Minh Bicycle Tour – The Perfect City for Your Group City Cycling   Weekends are the ideal time to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend quality

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Embracing the Art of Calligraphy in Chinatown Cholon

The Searching Journey For One Of Last Remaining Calligraphy in Cho Lon – Ho Chi Minh Discover Cholon Saigon – Ho Chi Minh City Every day, in front of a small

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Things to Do in Chinatown: Exploring Best Saigon’s Herbal Tea Places

Things to Do in Chinatown: Exploring Best Saigon’s Herbal Tea Places When the sweltering heat of Ho Chi Minh City’s afternoons becomes too much to bear, the locals have a delightful

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Best Craft Beer In Ho Chi Minh

Best Craft Beer In Ho Chi Minh: Explore Vietnamese Artisanal Brew When the French arrived in Vietnam in the late 19th century, they introduced a range of Western influences, including beer,

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Discover 4 Unique Coffee Blends in Ho Chi Minh City 

Discover 4 Unique Coffee Blends in Ho Chi Minh City  Vietnam is renowned for its coffee culture, offering a variety of unique and exciting coffee drinks that entertain your taste buds

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